Monday, November 21, 2011


As a child growing up, I experienced poverty; although we had a place to stay, but it was still hard for us; my father had a low paying job as well as my mother; for a long time we did not have transportation which made it difficult for us to get around, but thanks to my uncles and family they helped us a lot. I always worried about having nice clothes as the other students but somehow there my parents seemed to provide us with clothing it was not that many but they provided us with clothes and food. I spent a many of days wondering how were we going to make it, but we did. I always somehow coped with the situations believing that better days were ahead. The country that I chose is childhood diseases in Africa. Children in Africa live with daily stressor diseases such as Measles, Malaria, Pneumonia, Polio, Aids, as well as many others. Many of these diseases comes from being under nutrition and the unavailability of immunizations; some of these diseases are deadly.

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